Banking Details:Great Dane Rescue South Africa FNB Business Account Account Number: 62604481606 Branch Code: 251655

Banking Details:

Great Dane Rescue South Africa
FNB Business Account
Account Number: 62604481606
Branch Code: 251655


Great Danes are usually termed “Gentle Giants”. Speak to any Great Dane guardian and they will agree. They will most probably even tell you how their Danes sit on their laps as small dogs would. So just imagine a dog with such a gentle nature in such a big body neglected to a state where they actually weigh a few kilograms more than a medium breed dog? These are just some of the cases that Great Dane Rescue South Africa has to deal with on a regular basis. These dogs are saved with a despondent look in their eyes and virtually no desire to live anymore. Helping these Great Danes regain their giant bodies and put that sparkle back into their eyes is what motivates Great Dane Rescue South Africa each and every day to keep on fighting.

Saving these gentle giants mean that all costs involved can easily be double that of a smaller breed dog. Great Danes eat more food, they need more medication and all of these things add up. The sad reality is it never stops and we will always need all the help we can get. Each and every single donation made by our supporters is appreciated even more than words can express. Without donations from our supporters and assistance from our volunteers, we would never be able to help save the lives of so many abandoned Great Danes.

A donation can be defined as “a gift that is typically given to benefit a cause.” So how can our supporters help us? It might sound so miniscule but even a share on FB might be the life line a Great Dane needs to be homed. Educate – If you happen to hear that there are people who want to buy a dog, rather convince them to adopt and not to shop. You can also donate some time as a volunteer and assist with transporting Danes. At the moment, Great Dane Rescue SA needs more foster homes. We also need volunteers that can help at our fundraising events. Food donations are also very welcome for all our foster Danes. Last, but not least, we have a very big veterinary bill. We sterilize each Great Dane before they go to their new home. Each new rescue is also sent for a veterinary check because most of these Great Danes are rescued in a severely neglected state.
We cannot do this alone. We need your help.